Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED Earphones Review

Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED Earphones Review

A job change and all sorts of other adventures made me take some time off from the reviews. But, as the saying is, «Don’t count on it!» — there will be a lot of them in the short run, and they will be interesting, well balanced and spot on! Let’s talk today about the in-ear wired earphones Truthear x Crinacle ZERO: RED.

MoonDrop Golden Ages 1979 TWS Earphones Review

MoonDrop Golden Ages 1979 TWS Earphones Review

Another chance. I decided to give MoonDrop’s TWS earphones another chance, and it was a tough decision because MoonDrop Alice were shamefully poor in terms of connection stability and proprietary software.
When it comes to MoonDrop Golden Ages 1979, my attention was drawn to their design, low cost, and a planar driver. And I also had a glimmer of hope that at least MoonDrop managed to bring the software to the users-don’t-get-sick-and-tired state, after all.