Kennerton headphones measurements
A year is not over yet and I have already got a new test fixture stand, and I am more than happy about it. I have switched now from a modified miniDSP EARS to a real test fixture, which is IEC711 complied: a coupler (IEC60318-4), artificial pinna, speficially calibrated microphone. So, now I can apply any target curve to frequency graphs without any recaltulations for real.
An article about my new test fixture with all the detials – where to get it, how to use it and so on – is coming soon. Stay tuned.
And for now you can check frequency graphs of almost all current Kennerton models from the new test fixture.
Kennerton M21S (2021)
Kennerton Magni V3
Kennerton Gjallarhorn cal. 40
Kennerton Vali Neotheric
Kennerton Gjallarhorn cal. 50
Kennerton Rognir Dynamic
Kennerton Rognir (амбушюры ecl-01mf и ecl-03)
Kennerton Thror